Northern Seoul elementary teaching – Cheongwon Elementary School

Dave's ESL Cafe - Selected Jobs

Job Overview

Nowon-gu, Seoul

Posted by: Cheongwon Elementary School

Cheongwon Elementary School graduates are creative, collaborative, curious, compassionate, courageous, and committed to building a better society. Since its establishment in 1965, Cheongwon Elementary School has been a leader in educating people in a rapidly changing era.

Cheongwon Elementary School seeks to employ experienced, innovative teachers who are excited to teach in Apple Distinguished School(ADS).

Contract Period: March 01, 2025 – February 28th, 2026

Qualifications: Applicants must be a native English-speaker and must have a B.A. from an accredited institution

-TESOL / TEFL Certification or M.A. in any education-related discipline preferred

-2 years or more experience in the field required

-Must already be residing in Korea. Do not apply from overseas

Your salary is negotiable based on your qualifications and experience.

Working Hours: 8:20am- 4:20pm

Teaching Hours: not exceeding 22 classes(40 min classes)

Teaching Level: Grades 1-6 Elementary students

Location: Nearby Madeul Station, Subway Line No.7

Housing: Housing allowance provided

Vacation: Minimum of 32 days. National Korean holidays and weekends are not included in the 32 days

Severance: Equal to one month’s pay upon completion of contract

Additional Benefits: After School Class Opportunities for extra income, National Pension, National Medical Insurance, Airfare Allowance


Your own iPad, desk and computer provided at the office

10 days of summer school and winter school participation required

Application Information:

Please email the following documents to [email protected]

1) Your cover letter and a resume including your recent photo, qualification/ educational/employment history and employment references

2) Scanned copy or a picture of your Alien Registration Card (front and back)

To apply, email [email protected]

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