Job Overview
[Job for English teachers]
The Hiring Committee at Konkuk University Language Institute (, one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul, Korea, is looking for qualified part-time Instructors under the following terms:
A. Part-time
1. Starting date of employment: August 1st, 2024
2. Position: part-time English instructor for university affiliated institute kids program –Summer Junior Camp.
3. Duties and Responsibilities:
1) Teaching hours:
Morning class 9:30-12:40 & afternoon class 14:00-17:10
2) Develop supplementary teaching materials or tests
3) Write reports on students’ progress or class evaluation
4) Attend various professional events such as workshops, professional lectures, orientation for new program/curriculum or all other job related meetings
4. Required Qualifications:
☞ Native speaker of English (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales)
☞ Bachelor’s degree from English (as the first language) spoken countries
☞ Masters in TESOL, Linguistics, Education, English are preferred.
☞ Applicants with TESOL certificates are preferred
5. Period of employment: 10 days. (weekdays, August 1st, 2024 – August 14th, 2024), 9:30-17:10 (Lunch Break 12:50-13:50)
(Morning class 9:30-12:40 & afternoon class 14:00-17:10)
There is going to be a training workshop in July. (No extra payment for workshop. It is included in total payment.)
Payment: \2,754,000 (before tax) for both morning & afternoon classes
※ Please email me your resume by June. 12th, 2024. ([email protected])
※ The interview and hiring will be by order of arrival.
More Information
- Address Seoul, South Korea
- Qualification Bachelors