Full-time English teaching position wanted (2024)

Job Expired

Job Overview


Teaching Position Available

Department of English, National Chengchi University

Extend the deadline until March 1st, 2024.


The Department of English at National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.) invites applications for one full-time faculty position (Assistant Professor Level or above). The appointment is to begin on August 1, 2024.



  1. Ph.D. in TESOL/Applied Linguistics
  2. Scholarly publications and professional experience
  3. Ability to teach both basic undergraduate English courses and graduate level courses
  4. College teaching experience preferred, but not required


Application Documents:

  1. Curriculum vitae (please download the form from NCCU Personnel Office website)
  2. Photocopy of PhD diploma and proof of previous academic employment (if any)
  3. Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  4. Two letters of recommendation written within the last two years
  5. One printed copy and one electronic copy of dissertation
  6. At most 5 publications within five years, both printed and electronic files
  7. Samples of 2 to 3 course syllabi
  8. Photocopy of ID/passport, or R.O.C. Alien Residence Certificate


Application Deadline: All application materials must be post-marked no later than March 1st, 2024.


Mailing address:

Search Committee

Department of English

National Chengchi University
NO.64, Sec.2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District,

Taipei, Taiwan 11605



Email address: [email protected] [FOR THE ELECTRONIC COPY]


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