KNU – Visiting Professor – Daegu, South Korea

Kyungpook National University

Job Overview

Institution: Kyungpook National University
Location: Daegu, South Korea
Application Due: January 13, 2024, 6pm
Type & Title: Full-time Visiting Professor (non-tenure track)
Department: Center for General Education, Freshman English Program
Salary: 3,128,000 to 3,265,000 KRW per month

Kyungpook National University invites qualified, enthusiastic, and motivated professionals to join the faculty.

Program Details:

The Freshman English Program at KNU focuses on speaking but also developing all four skills.

Courses include: Essential English 1, Essential English 2, Business English, and Discussions in English.


Available Positions:

Daegu Campus 1 position


  • Native speakers from English speaking countries
  • Must have M.A. or Ph.D. degree in English related fields (e.g. English Education, Applied Linguistics, English Literature, TESOL) or Education
  • Must be less than 63 years old as of March 1st, 2024
  • Must have at least 2 years of teaching experience at the university level



  • Teaching 18 hours a week for Spring/Fall semesters
  • Teaching hours should be made up if not fulfilled
  • Teaching from 60 to 80 hours during Winter/Summer sessions
  • Available to teach from 9am to 6pm




  • 1 year: March 1st, 2024 February 28th, 2025



  • Ph.D.: 3,265,000 KRW per month
  • MA: 3,128,000 KRW per month



  • National Health Insurance: paid 50/50
  • National Pension Plan
  • The equivalent of 1 months pay/year as severance paid upon the end of employment with KNU
  • On-campus housing or off-campus housing stipend (300,000 KRW per month)


Paid Vacation: 8 weeks: 4 during summer break, 4 during winter break



Required documents (5 PDF files):

  • Resume (include thesis/dissertation title, name of advisor, academic field in which degree was awarded along with current visa status)
  • Cover letter (A4 1page)
  • Copy of final diploma (must be notarized within 3 months from the appointment)
  • Certificate of employment from university employer
  • Consent to the use and disclosure of personal information (form below)



  • Submit required documents as 5 separate PDF files
  • Appointment may be canceled depending on the authenticity of the submitted documents
  • Incomplete submissions will not be processed
  • Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted individually
  • Candidates will be provided with a sample from the textbook in preparation for the interview and sample teaching lesson
  • Must be available for in-person interview


How to Apply: email



Additional inquiry:

Hwa-hwan Seong (Coordinator)

[email protected]

Phone: 053-950-4404;053-950-4088 Fax 053-950-6336

International phone 82-53-950-4404; Fax 82-53-950-6336



Consent form


개인정보 수집․이용 동의서

Consent form for collecting and using personal information

본인은 경북대학교 교육혁신본부 교양교육센터 강의초빙교수직에 응시원서를  제출함에 있어 인사담당기관이 본인에 대한 인사검증을 실시할 필요가 있다는 제반사항을 이해하고 있으며, 이를 위해 개인정보 보호법등에 의해 보호되고 있는 본인에 관한 각종 정보자료를 동법 제23조 단서 및 제15에 따라 인사담당기관이 수집 및 이용하는 데 동의합니다.

또한 본인이 서명날인한 동의서의 복사본은 인사검증에 필요한 다양한 자료 수집 및 이용의 편의를 위해서 원본과 동일하게 유효하다는 것을 인정합니다.


2024년   월   일

지원자 본인
▪ name


▪ D.O.B.
▪ mobile ▪ e-mail
▪ work place ▪ work position
▪ work phone fax

경북대학교 총장 귀하

인사검증을 위해 수집 및 이용되는 정보자료의 범위
▫ 개인정보의 수집이용목적 : 채용 심사

▫ 수집하려는 개인정보의 항목 : 채용심사에 필요한 개인 인적 제반사항

성명, 생년월일, 근무경력 제반사항, 가족사항, 학력사항 등 채용심사에 필요한 제반 사항

▫ 개인정보의 보유 및 이용기간 : 채용 심사 후 채용 시까지 보유, 접수된 서류는 반환하지 않음

▫ 지원자는 개인정보 보호법 제15조 제2항 제4호에 따라 개인정보를 수집 및 이용에 관하여 거부할 수 있으며, 동의 거부에 따른 응시원서 접수 제한 등 불이익이 있을 수 있음


To apply, email [email protected]

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