Hanshin University Recruit English Instructor

Hanshin University

Job Expired

Job Overview

Hanshin University Recruits

English Instructor

We have an opening for an English conversation and composition instructor for the Department of British and American Culture.

The term of contract will be one year (renewable), beginning on March 1, 2024.

Applicants should be native English-speakers and be able to begin teaching on March 1, 2024. Applicants with teaching experience and understanding of Korean society will be highly considered.

Job interview will be held for short-listed applicants.

Qualifications for Open Position

This position requires a Master’s degree.

(English major, TESOL and other English teaching license would be preferred.)


You are required to work for 9 hours of class per week.

Overtime work will be additionally paid.

Salary and Benefits

1. 24,000,000 won per year (including severance pay)

2. 500,000 won for monthly housing will be provided.

Please send the following documents

1. Application form (Hanshin University form with a recent photo)

2. A copy of transcripts

3. A copy of degrees and certifications

4. A copy of Alien Registration Card (if available)

5. A copy of TESOL certification and Teaching license (if available)

6. Personal statement (free form)

※ Successful candidate will be asked to submit the criminal records and the health statement as required by Immigration Office.

Application must arrive by email by 2:00 p.m. (Korean local time), February 6, 2022.

For more information please e-mail [email protected]

(Faculty Affairs team in Hanshin University)

※ Hanshin University site : https://www.hs.ac.kr/kor/index.do

※ Hanshin University job posting site 


To apply, email [email protected]

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